
So, it's week 6. I've reached the very middle of this project. I feel great! I love that I picked up juicing, swimming and getting a little better at yoga. Last week, I didn't do much yoga though (most unfortunate). The decision to add swimming sessions into the mix sort of got me tired out. I'm just not used to this much exercise in general. My wrists still hurts as well. My hands feel generally numb. Hope this numb feeling doesn't continue. 

I'm rather left behind in terms of my titibhasana progress. Come to think of it, all my poses need tons of working on. Need to try give it my all this week. I'm hoping to wake up early for yoga, then head to the pool for 10 laps or more, and THEN only start my day. Love this quote picture thingy below. A beginner I am!

Day 36 - Monday (3/6/2013) 

I know and I am well aware that there is NO quick fix. Nobody can lose weight NATURALLY quick in a week. But, umm.. it's been a month and a half, and I haven't really dropped any weight and no results are showing. BUT! I don't want to be that person that quits halfway because the results are not showing yet. I need to stick around long enough to see AND feel the results. Well then, no quitting allowed. 

Even if there is not much difference in my size by the end of the project, I will extend the period until I do see good enough results and I'm more or less more independent physically and emotionally to do it on my own. Still working on changing my mind. I think though, I'm a little bit more 'actively doing things' as apposed to 'passively crying about things'. So that's major improvement. Time to GROW UP (mentally I mean, I've definitely grown bigger physically! giggles).

Day 37 - Tuesday (4/6/2013) 

Spoke to Jo and Regine at work about me feeling generally low. They gave me the hard truths (with some encouragement I mean). In some ways, they said that I really wasn't doing ALL that I could to be the person I want to be (which includes controlling my body and mind). I must kick it up a notch IF I want results, the harder the effort creates faster results and it seems that I just haven't given it my all (although it did feel like I have). I think I'm so used to giving up, it's a natural response to me now when things get tough.

In short, I probably should put in more effort. Made this video today, it's more or less the way I feel at the moment. I think this time, I'm not going to give up. I'm sick of yoyo dieting and hating my own body (not sure where all the hatred came from anyways - I have to dig deep, and yes, I know I am not alone, tons of people struggle with this).

Day 38 - Wednesday (5/6/2013) 

Finally got the Feminine magazine review of our prenatal yoga scanned. Plan to get some frames from IKEA soon to hang them up at the studio. Pity I don't understand a word of it (giggles). The pictures help though!

The photos turned out great. Everyone looks pretty darn good!

Day 39 - Thursday (6/6/2013) 

Jo snapped some photos during Foo's class yesterday. I had to attend to some administration  issues so I didn't quite get to the the class in action. I could HEAR them though! Fun laughter and the occasional mini scream. Found it hilarious. After seeing the photos, I realized what all the fuss was about. Gotta love Foo!

Day 40 - Friday (7/6/2013) 

This came in the mail a few days ago. Been working on this mini project for a few months now. I've been collecting photos of people with our little 'I Love Surya Yoga' frame. Made a collage of it and well ta-da! Here it is. I wouldn't say it's astounding or anything, but I put it a lot of work. I guess the only thing that I'm unhappy with is that some of the images are rather dark. I didn't put the lighting into consideration when I made the collage. In my mind, whatever is on the screen will come out the same in print. Check out the photos.

Can you spot me?

Day 41 - Saturday (8/6/2013) 

Since I've been swimming a lot lately. I thought I'd invest in a pair of good powered goggles and a swimming cap. I got it from Paradigm Mall. Pity there wasn't a sale or discount. I could DEFINITELY see clearer now in the pool. Rather pricey, but yes, it's an investment, one for my health. I'm pretty determined to actually use the goggles long term. I'm guilty of buying exercise equipment and at times videos AND use them halfway. I sort of 'lose interest' and I'm off doing something else. FOCUS. Really gotta focus.

Day 42 - Sunday (9/6/2013) 

Overall, it was rather a slow week. A semi sad emo week as well. Well, the ride is getting bumpy! Not sure if there will be clear waters ahead. I was watching this random tv show the other day and the heroine of the story said that LIFE is a sum of the choices that we make. Okay, granted, maybe SOME events we didn't quite have a choice or say in it, but I feel it's really about staying committed to the choices that WE DID make. Am I all bark and no bite? We shall just have to see. I have to see for myself as well.

Till next week.


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