Sunday 8 September 2013

Failure is Only Feedback in Disguise?

I went gravely off track. My Mindful Makeover didn't pan out the way I wanted it to. I mostly gave up halfway at the lack of results and the general feeling of discontent that nothing seemed to show. I had some other matters I had trouble handling as well. I guess that's one thing to take note off. Most times, plans we make are hard to follow when LIFE gets in the way. Makes sense? At his moment of time, I feel like everything I say seems to sound like an excuse. I feel that horrible.

On the 'body, mind and spirit' note, I think I've learned that yoga (as would anything else in life) takes time. To progress I mean. It really can't be done overnight. Probably not impossible, but for me, it threw me off track a little. Deadlines and things to check off the list. 

Well, this time round, there will still be lists and things to check off, but much less and more spaced out. You'd probably have to follow me for a long time to see any results, both in mind and body in me. But that's the beauty of it? Nothing worthwhile comes quick or easy?

My prouder moments during the 
mindful makeover when I DID stay on the plan

But I decided, life goes on, forgive and forget past mistakes, and I'm here to start fresh and anew. My weight, well, is still probably the same. I think I managed to maintain my weight throughout these few months of being incognito. I have been doing yoga at home (because I went home for the holidays, home as in my parents home, the place i grew up), and I took up a 30 day beach body fitness challenge too! It's really just a plan that they give you online that you can follow. It's like daily exercises you have to do up to day 30.

The one I completed *self pats on back*, the beach body one made me feel great! My rather wobbly thighs are now thighs of thunder. Still large but more toned. I still think I should be doing more cardio and swim a lot. I tried running before, but my knees seem to complain in pain most of the time.

Now, I'm on the 30 Day Splits Challenge and an Iron Arms Challenge? *giggles* its probably not called the Iron Arms Challenge, guess i just like the sound of it.

Below are the challenges I took up. Was really proud of myself that i managed to complete the first one. I never really complete stuff I start, so this meant a lot! It was fairly easy to follow to, that made things more doable and less scary. The plan is pretty good, works on different body muscles every day, there are rest days with less intense workouts too. The instructions are really great.

Check out this website
Tons of 30 day challenges to take on.

This is what i've been yabbering about *smiles*

This is what I'm currently trying out.

I found this randomly online too, was thinking of trying 
this out as well this month.
Trying to do two challenges this month.

Since i've been out of the state and couldn't make it for yoga classes at Surya Yoga, I do still continue with my basic simple yoga routine at home daily. I realized that (funny that I was clueless about it but refused to believe it) no matter how much you exercise, you won't lose body mass without the right nutrition. So i've still been keeping up with my juicing, i take it throughout the day and seriously, I think juicing has made me and kept me feeling great and upbeat.

Next week, I start going back to yoga classes at Surya Yoga, after failing the first time, I thought.. oh well, failure is just feedback (perhaps in an ugly wrapped up disguise!). I'm determined to get back on track, or stay on track *smiles*. 

My brief break at home worked out well for me, I feel rejuvenated, ready to get to work and start doing yoga more seriously again. My mindful makeover ain't over yet. It was just put on hold. Stay tuned guys!


I leave you guys with some pictures I've found 
really personally inspirational.

Oh yes, next I'll be blogging about things I've learned throughout this 
journey so far, the more 'MIND' part of the 'mind and body' change.

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