
Things I need to complete this week. I've decided to add more swimming into the mix. I think a little cardio wouldn't hurt.

Day 29 - Monday (27/5/2013) 

It's written right in the middle. "I like timetables, because they make sure you don't get lost in time". Lovely. I feel the same way now since Jo started making me make a daily timetable. Feel less stressed out and overwhelmed. Work hours are allocated as well as 'me' time. Such a simple idea, but I wonder why I never applied it.

Day 30 - Tuesday (28/5/2013) 

Was practicing a little yoga when everyone was in class. It will be closing time soon, but I thought what the heck, I've done my work at the counter for today, so I decided to take a quick video of what I've managed to accomplish. Tons of back bends.

Day 31 - Wednesday (29/5/2013) 

After I finished my work for the night, I had the opportunity to take a long peek at Jenny's advance class. Mind blown. I can see the dedication the students have. I can see how much effort it took to get to where they are. Some are even yoga instructors (probably polishing their yoga skills). 

Then I asked myself. Where is my dedication? Doing home yoga practice, even that is a super big challenge. I'm wondering where I can summon the motivation from. I asked Regine about it. I asked about how she found that passion. She said that she likes to challenge herself, her body and she likes the more spiritual part of yoga. I think my path might be the one of learning self discipline. Maybe my appreciation of yoga will increase slowly as I practice more, then I'd develop the passion? Then my skills would improve?

Once, I was asked if I wanted to be a yoga instructor. I have never really thought about it. I just sort of know that I didn't have the discipline or body type to achieve 'yoga instructor' status. I guess it might be a long shot. But oh well, all things are possible.

Day 32 - Thursday (30/5/2013) 

Mini dilemma. I've been swimming more often these days and I really feel good about it BUT, yes there is a but... I feel god awful HUNGRY after I swim. I'm like a ravenous wolf on the prowl searching, poking and prodding, and yes devouring things in the fridge (of course healthy things, blood type 0 friendly things, but if I don't watch my quantities - I'm afraid, I won't lose any body mass).

ALSO, another thing I'm rather surprised at as well. The best way to lose weight according to Jo is that I need to cut down the amount of fat first in my body via cardio BEFORE working on strength and toning - which would build muscle. I thought that by building muscle, automatically the fat will reduce (I guess it does reduce - but by building muscle, my BODY SIZE doesn't actually change, I'd be more toned and stronger, I'd look leaner, but I won't be a smaller size, not by much, probably not noticeable). Hence my predicament. I've been working on things for 5 weeks, but yes, horrible to admit this, but the scale hasn't really budged or showed ANY improvements. 

I do however FEEL great! Physically great and happy, but yes.. No decrease in weight. Yes, I am rather superficial at times, and I would like to at least lose 2kg through this makeover experience. (I mean just to kick start things). BUT at the looks of things, I might have to rethink my strategy. 

I guess in some way, the makeover trainers let me do my 'thang' and point things out to me when I start going astray or become this little lost lamb. I think that's really the best way. Make my own mistakes and learn from them. I'd probably have more pride in the end of the makeover, knowing that I didn't have everything thoroughly handed to me, that in some way, I did put some self initiative.

Must research why the hunger pangs after swimming and HOW to lose the bulk first, THEN only toning up. I don't want to be a toned big person (sighs). It sounds rather bad doesn't it? Well, I need to be honest with myself, I want to be smaller sized, not skinny, just smaller sized.

Wish I had the chance to go for Yoga Fit classes. The best of both cardio and strength training. Unfortunately, my work hours happens to clash with the Yoga Fit classes, hence I need to get my cardio elsewhere. 

Day 33 - Friday (31/5/2013) 

Made myself a somewhat healthy and smaller portioned meal. I realized that the sweet potato fries recipe works well with cayenne pepper. There's that 'zing' to it! Red bell peppers are in my 'medicine' food list according to the blood type diet.

Trying out ginger tea at the moment. The Nona brand is pretty nice. I bought two brands. One Nona and the other Dilmah I think. I think ginger is pretty good for getting rid of 'wind' and is generally good for your health. I'm trying to take less coffee and drink more ginger tea. We shall see how things go. So far so good.

 Zen's intermediate class on Thursday 5.45pm. Kinda got a slight shock seeing everyone resting on blocks upside down. Apparently it's really relaxing. On the left is Siok Bee, one of our advance students. She comes to Surya Yoga almost 4-5 times every week! Commitment!  I still get yoga struck by the advance students. Just love how strong and motivated they are.

Day 34 - Saturday (1/6/2013) 

Jo handed me this book from the Surya Yoga mini library. I've been picking out topics related to my issues. Been going through the topics slowly. I must say, this book is really helpful and it's an easy read. I wrote an article for the Surya Yoga blog here based on the first few topics I've read. Check it out (smiles).

Made a new banner for the studio. My sister designed it for Surya Yoga. The little boy in the banner is Jonathan (Jo's little one). We are promoting prenatal yoga and kids yoga. Pretty nice I must say! My sister did a great job! (and yes, we are located above Cosway).

Day 35 - Sunday (2/6/2013) 

It's a hard thing to swallow really. I know that in some way, we are who we hang out with. Hang out with depressive people and you will generally become negative and lifeless as well. Hang out with people that inspire you and motivate you, it's infectious as well and you feel more zest for life. I'm not sure who I really hang out with. I mean, I'm not sure who really builds me up or pulls me down. I think I need to reanalyze my friends. It doesn't feel good though sort of  'dropping' friends that affect me negatively. Oh heck, what am I saying? Oh course I should surround myself with positivity! Just find it a little tricky that's all.

The horror! The SHAME! Definitely not proud of myself with this week's progress in terms of yoga. I've been swimming a lot though this week. 3 times and each time I did more than 10 laps. Hope to increase the laps as time goes by. So yes, in my mini defense, I was still keeping up with a healthier life style, just that my focus was on swimming this week. 

Till next week!


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