Project Explanation

Issue : Have you lost some weight? That's probably the best compliment  a person could get nowadays. It would light our faces up and we would feel that spark of happiness. Is this spark of happiness short lived? Some that manage to lose weight do not successfully keep it off (hence the term yo-yo dieters). Most of the time, we manage to change our bodies, but our minds have not made the same amount of positive change. 

In some ways, we are the same people with the same problems, but simply in a smaller frame. The same self esteem issues lurk, even under the healthier more personally appealing body. This does not apply to everyone of course. I know some, very few though, that actually want or NEED to gain weight. There is this issue though of people having the misconception that with weight loss, life will somehow, if not miraculously, fall into place. We would have more friends, we would find that special someone, we would get that job, we would be able to wear skinny jeans! 

Change in body, does not equate to change in mind (habits/perspective/activities). We need to wake up from this day dream, and go down to the crux of the problem. We need to change our lives and that involves both mind and the body. Thin does not equate to long term happiness. A healthy body AND mind I believe (and this is just a personal opinion) DOES equate to long term happiness. What is my definition of long term happiness? 2 things. 
(1) Awareness 
(2) Balance.

So here goes Surya Yoga's little science project. A 12 week mindful Makeover. In this project, weight loss is secondary, it's a pleasant side affect of a healthier lifestyle and mindset. We might even prove that whatever shows on the scale does not reflect us at all. It's just a number, we are more than just a number. Join us in this journey to self discovery and kick start to better self acceptance.

Sound interesting? Check out our proposal.



(1) Hypothesis : 
With additional help of daily yoga practice and lifestyle, a person can change both their body and mind simultaneously leading to long term self acceptance, awareness and balance.

(2) Project : 
12 Week Mindful Makeover @ Surya Yoga

(3) Time frame : 
Week 1 (Monday, 29 April 2013) - Week 12 (Sunday, 21 July 2013)

(4) Location : 
Surya Yoga Studio, Aman Suria and various other establishments in the area

(5) Mission/Targets :
1- Kick start selected participant's journey to a healthier lifestyle (both in mind and body). We plan to equip test subject with the skills and information needed to make independent long term changes on her own even after the 12 week Mindful Makeover.                                                 
2- Encourage selected participant to cultivate determination and discipline with her yoga practice to help her achieve more difficult advance poses. With each pose, there are different benefits both mental and physical which we will explore further. 
Note:  We use the term 'kick start' because we know that our minds tend to take a longer time and more effort in changing than our bodies sometimes. 

(6) Methods/Procedures:

1- We have made a 12 week Mindful Makeover plan for her to follow. (refer to figure 1)                                  

figure 1 (please click to view)

2 - Selected participant will have to improve on her yoga practice. 
3 - Selected participant will conduct mini experiments trying out different diets to see what works for her. A healthy lifestyle includes both diet and exercise.
4 - Selected participant will have to attend 6 Self Help sessions with Trainer Jo. 
5 - Selected participant will have to participate in 3 Life Lessons segments with Trainer Zyen.   
6 - Selected participant would have to update every week about her journey, progress and experiences throughout the 12 week Mindful Makeover plan.  
7 - Selected participant will be rewarded when she has completed all the planned tasks for the week. 

  • It starts out slow and steady then builds up towards the end.
  • She will need to build more stamina, strength and flexibility by focusing on achieving 5 different advance poses:
  • Headstand balance  
  • Tittibhasana (firefly pose) 
  •  Lord of the dance (1)
  •  Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (one-legged king pigeon pose)
  •  falling back into Wheel pose   
  •  Bird of Paradise Pose - Svarga Dvidasana 
  • For example, Surya Yoga's 3 day Kick Start diet, juice fasting, cutting portions, Zaggora hot pants and a number of other experiments
  • Self Help sessions will help test subject with her issues and underlying problems.
  • Life lessons segments will challenge test subject to widen her comfort zone.
  • Blog articles will include photo updates, videos,  write-ups on self help sessions and life lessons segments as well as yoga pose progress.
  • Rewards include, trips to organic restaurants, facials, massages etc. A reward system is important to ensure motivation and discipline.

(7)  Targeted Results :

1 - Manage to follow the 12 week Yoga Makeover plan at least 80% accurately. 
2 - Manage to do at least 3 out of the 5 advance poses. 
3 - Develop basic skills to be able to continue her 'balanced body and mind' journey independently.  
4 - Would have tried all types of classes and all instructors.

  • We allow for moments of weakness or unplanned circumstances, selected participant is after all, human.
  • Achieving all 5 advance poses would be preferable, but we know that the journey is in the effort made, not necessarily the destination.
  • She must at least quit 3 bad habits (learn newer healthier ones) and have tried at least 3 new things.
  • She must do write-ups about her experience with different classes and different instructors.


Data Collection


Background introduction : 

Elirus is my online nickname, most people know me as the chubby-bubbly counter girl at Surya Yoga. I've been pratising yoga off and on at Surya Yoga for about 6 months but never had the discipline to excel in it.

I am rather unhealthy in a sense. For example, my diet is horrid with daily intake of fried food, especially for breakfast. Milo, coffee and ribena throughout the day. Maggi mee and instant soup in the wee hours of the morning and as if things couldn't get worse, I love chocolate. Did I mention as well that I am a kicap manis addict?

I probably eat more than I should. I fill up with food to feel 'fulfilled'. I often eat after 9pm due to my work schedule. I tend to eat while watching tv or surfing the internet because it feels rather sad eating alone by myself at the dining table.

The only healthy things I eat would be the salads and juices I have at the Surya Yoga Juice and Salad Bar, but of course, with my other consumption of unhealthy food, it cancels out the GOOD food I actually eat. 

I was dedicated at doing yoga once upon a time, but I've become lazy. I do swim once a week though, but yes, with the amount of food I take, swimming doesn't help enough to make healthy. 

Physically, I feel horrible. I burp a lot (not sure why), get slight heartburns, I feel sluggish and tired, and I fall sick very easily. I have problems with sleeping at night, hence my late night munch sessions. 

I suffer from common low self-esteem, negative thinking as well as fear of trying new things. I sometimes find it hard to complete projects that I start. If I successfully go through this Mindful Makeover by Surya Yoga, ANYONE can definitely go through it as well.

"Elirus doesn't have the strength especially in her arms and core. She is flexible but doesn't have the strength to support her flexibility. She doesn't have much stamina and that should be improved on. She doesn't come for class often enough as well. She needs to build up the discipline to come to class more frequent in order for her to succeed in this mindful makeover"

RegineYoga instructor at Surya Yoga (photos below)

Elirus's Personal Targets : 
  • Complete at least 3 out of the 5 advance poses given to me by Jo.
  • Change my diet by eating more often at the Juice and Salad Bar, and also eating healthier in general.
  • To be able to sleep better at night and develop better habits.
  • Feel more comfortable in my own skin and build up some confidence.
  • Try out the classes of at least 10 (out of the 12) instructors at Surya Yoga.
  • Try at least 10 (out of the 13) different types of yoga classes at Surya Yoga.

Elirus's Personal Quotes : 

For things to change, I must change first.
A year from now, I'll be glad I started today.


Mission : 
I want to make Elirus more positive and stronger emotionally and physically.

Personal Quote : 
No matter how difficult things may get, it will ALWAYS pass or get better in time.

Personal observations/insights on test subject : 
Elirus lacks the willpower to achieve her ambitions. She (at times) need people to push her and motivate her in order to achieve her goals. This makeover will help build up discipline so she can continue her own mindful makeover even on her own.

Mission : 
I want to help Elirus have better self-esteem, and to help her be more confident in terms of her looks, her abilities, and her self-worth.

Personal Quote : 
Learning is a never-ending process. No matter how good you are, there is always something to learn. The day you think you know everything is the day you stop learning.

Personal observations/insights on test subject : 
Elirus has a lot of issues which undermines her confidence in herself. The good thing is, she recognises these issues and is not afraid to admit them, which is a vital step in improving herself. My main goal is to challenge her so that she can step outside of her comfort zone, and to build confidence in herself.


Experiment (1)

 Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (one-legged king pigeon pose)

Tittibhasana (firefly pose) 

Bird of Paradise Pose - Svarga Dvidasana 

 falling back into Wheel pose 

Lord of the dance (1)

Headstand balance  

Results : Elirus can only manage the yoga poses up to a certain point, Jo quite naturally does the advance poses with graceful ease.

Conclusion : Elirus will keep track of her progress achieving the advance poses without help of props or the wall. She will update weekly with photos, videos, experiments and detailed information with additional personal insights over the period of 12 weeks.


Materials extracted from Experiment (1)

Scanned copies of Surya Yoga's Juice and Salad Bar.
Elirus will be eating healthier these next 12 weeks.

Just the girls, goofing around (smiles)

Surya Yoga class schedule

 Surya Yoga studio photos

 Surya Yoga's instructors

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