
Week 2 guys. I hope to complete all the tasks required of me this week according to the plan (below). So thats, 1 x yoga class at Surya Yoga, 20min x 6 x home yoga sessions and 3 x meals at the Juice and Salad Bar. Week 1, I didn't quite manage complete it. Missed out on a home yoga session and one meal. Needs a lot of discipline to do yoga at home, especially when I'm pretty much flat out tired from the whole day. I try do it in the mornings, but sometimes I have things to do. Excuses? Perhaps. Let's see how this weeks goes.

As promised, I'll be doing a juice fast. I highly recommend this book. Lots of great advice and information when I flipped through it. I'll be reading it in more detail throughout this week. I'll write about what I learned from this Jason Vale book. Oh yes, there will be one self help session with Jo this week AND if I manage to complete everything planned, if I manage to do all that is required then I get to reward myself! Looking forward to that! I personally think that no one can muster up self discipline without a reward or two in store (at least for me, giggles).

Day 8 - Monday (6/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 1
According to the book, this juice fast is not a quick fix. It's a catalyst for a life long change. It's a way to stop being a serial dieter (like me) and get 'juiced' on both physical and mental level. Most times we carry so much baggage in our heads that we are rarely free to accept new information or new ways of thinking. 

Jason Vale mentioned that we need to be dead honest with ourselves. We need to admit that apart from the health benefits, most of us just reallllly want to look bloody good (true true). Identifying and accepting this truth will help greatly. We need to be most honest to our own selves am I right? So, being honest. Yes, I want to look and feel good. 

Found a saying in the book which makes a lot of sense. Basically it means, 'have courage to step outside your comfort zone'. I think that's really where 'life' begins.

'Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage' 
~ Anais Nin

 Lots of chopping and dicing today. Had a juice every 5 hours.
That's A LOT of fruits! I cheated though (unfortunately, sighs)
and had 2 slices of toast in the afternoon. It's really a mental
game, I should really change the way I look at things. This is
NOT a quick fix. Yes, it's a catalyst to a life long change.
Didn't manage to do my 20 minutes of home yoga practice today.

Traded my glasses for goggles. I went swimming instead this morning

with my aunt and friend, Jacqi (another Surya Yoga student)

Day 9 - Tuesday (7/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 2
Day 2 was difficult. I just realized that it was probably a bad idea trying to fix my eating habits too quickly. The kick start diet was fine, more or less working on healthier portions and a balanced diet but this 7 day detox experiment, perhaps it's too ambitious for someone that's hooked on chicken nuggets and late night eating? I will try follow through with it, perhaps it might detox me completely from unhealthy food but yes, I admit that it was too ambitious and I should have taken things slower. I blame it on excitement. Jo and Zyen never asked me to undergo this juice fast. So, yes. Too drastic of a move. I plan to continue drinking tons of juice this week though and eat healthier, smaller portions.

Stuff I read from the Jason Vale book today:
  • Juicing retains 95% of nutrients in fruits and vegetables
  • People are either THINKERS or DOERS. Some (including me previously) tell people all about the things they are GOING to do, but very few actively DO it.
  • Many start life changing programs but few see them through or at least enough to get to the stage where they begin to see, feel and live the results.
  • All the books, CDs, exercise DVDs mean absolutely nothing without you taking action.
Working on falling back into wheel pose. 
I can only go down that far (for now).

Tried out the king dancer pose as well!
Turns out that I CAN do it but of course
it needs a lot of 'cleaning up'.

Kak Kokum preparing my smoothie. Been drinking tons 
of juice! I take it almost 4-5 times a day. I feel a lot better
and 'fresher', not so sluggish and lethargic. A bit sad I couldn't 
muster up the discipline to follow the 7 day super juice diet
as per the book's instructions but oh well, it's a start. Plan to
try out again in future, in these 12 weeks. I will repeat the 
kick start diet as well until I 'get it right' so to speak.

Day 10 - Wednesday (8/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 3 

Attended Regine's intermediate class today morning. It was brutal yet 
fun (giggles). I must say, I really love her teaching style. Lots of smiles 
and funny moments. She's really has this infectious uplifting personality.

After Regine's class, I attempted doing a headstand again.
Guess what! I manage to straighten my legs up in the air!
Only for a nano second, but yes, it's about the little things.
Pardon the funky music, think it's hilarious!

I also worked on our little ' I Love Surya Yoga' campaign.
We are making a canvas print of it. I work on the design this 
afternoon before work. We collected about 65 photos!

Brought my super juice to work. It actually tastes reeeaaally good! 
I would highly recommend this particular mixture. Check out Jason Vale's 
book and look for JM's super juice. I think JM stands for Juice Master?

Day 11 - Thursday (9/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 4
Snacked at night. Rather upset. This is not easy at all. Old habits die hard. I need to accept that change takes time. Although, yoga wise, I seem to be picking up quite a bit, rather surprised! Yesterday, a friend of mine gave me some advice. I'll put it in point form below. Lovely advice. It meant quite a lot that she took the time to tell me all of this. Really appreciate this friend.
  • I shouldn't be afraid of looking bad or weak. Every advance student started out a beginner.
  • Treat every insult as encouragement (even insults you give yourself).
  • We need to filter out what people say to us sometimes. We need to take the ones that make sense, keep them in your pocket to use as examples and motivation. If we listen to EVERYTHING, I personally think that we could lose our minds or get seriously insecure.
  • There is something to learn from EVERYONE (yes, even the ones you do not like). 

 Had to go to IPC to run some errands, found a fresh juice 
shop/stall. Not so easy to eat healthy (economically) with 
tons of temptations around.

Watermelon and limau kasturi. 
Pretty good I must say!

My 'Surya Yoga t-shirt and apparel' haul. We just launched
our new line of apparels. OMG, the response was 
great! My sister made the designs (smiles). Was super 
busy last night handling the sales. I really like the 
Yoga Babe shirt!

Had to help arrange the apparel as well. Rather tiring day. I didn't
 get to do my home yoga practice. I was rather busy today.
I really need to MAKE time to practice. Really need
to pick up this habit vs the current 'eating late nights' habit.

A couple of designs I particularly like.

Day 12 - Friday (10/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 5 *Jo's Self Help Session 1

Meet Jo, my trainer. 
She's an instructor at Surya Yoga AND my boss too.  

As part of my self help sessions with Jo, she passed
me this particular book by Anne Jones and
marked specific topics for me to read. 

Below, in point form is what I gather from the topics Jo assigned me to read:

  1. Most of us end up being victims of not only negative experiences but it's aftermath - our emotions.
  2. People who feel sorry for themselves are 'energy thieves'. Feeling them with sympathy will only build their dependency. Most times, they consider themselves victims and show no indicator that they do want to take responsibility. We ought to put ourselves in a 'bubble' or 'egg'. A safe protected place of positive energy.
  3. Low self esteem can cause other secondary problems such as decision making and also possibly eating disorders. People with low self esteem drive themselves to reach at times unattainable perfection for gain approval. They must realise that they are important in their own way.
  4. To 'save' ourselves from being affected by negativity around us, we need to sure that our own individuality is CLEARLY marked out. This establishment of strong identify can be sough out through opening ourselves and accepting our very own feelings and senses.
  5. We need to practice sensing the difference between truth and falsehood. We all must respect ourselves at all times.

I do admit, I do lack in terms of self esteem as well as self acceptance. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but this advice does make sense, and can definitely apply to me. I guess now, it's practicing it in a 'real life' situation. As most of us know, theory and real experience are gravely different. But of course, the first step to ANYTHING, perhaps problem solving is acceptance and recognition of the issue itself. For me to ignore or deny having this common problem would do me no good.

Day 13 - Saturday (11/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 6

Bought these cheap 'tin can covers' that can double
up as a air tight class cover. Really good for keeping juices 
in the fridge! This particularly recipe involves natural yogurt.
Tastes pretty darn good! 

In honesty, I have not at all adhered to the diet plan. I need to develop some discipline and perseverance, perhaps even a little stubbornness might help. Despite things, It gladly report that I feel pretty good. Heartburn problems have completely disappeared and despite, not really losing much weight, I feel pretty 'clean' on the inside (smiles). I sleep much better as well and not indulge my night cravings as much.

A favorite of mine at the Juice and Salad Bar. I highly recommend
the chicken wrap. Did I mention I did two yoga classes this week?
I thought I'd make up for the lack of discipline to do home practice
sessions. This mindful makeover is proving to be rather challenging,
but I really must stick to it. 

I realize that I tend to only do things halfway.
I don't usually stick around to reap the benefits of the changes made.
Usually, in time, all things will make sense, it's just whether we
persevere long enough to see that all efforts in fact were worth it.

As this week's reward. I headed just across the road from 
Surya Yoga to redeem a street deal coupon I acquired.
For the very first time, I got the opportunity to experience
a steam bath. It was 'interesting'. Not sure why I felt lightheaded. 

Then the coupon involved me getting a hot stone massage (again, another
first for me). It was pretty good apart from the initial shock
of really hot stones on my back. The lady named Maira mentioned 
that I was pretty healthy. Apparently, the hot stones can be
a tell tale to our health condition. I had no idea. Overall, I'd give it a 6.5/10.

Took a kids yoga video today.
Managed to edit it too, have a look (grins).

Day 14 - Sunday (12/5/2013) *Juice fast Day 7

As part of this mindful makeover, I thought I'd try learn something
I've always wanted to learn. Sewing! Yes, I have tons of wardrobe
related malfunctions and learning some sewing and design skills
might help a lot! So off I went to Lara's place and Miss Kalpana
taught me and my friend some sewing basics. 

See the pink bag? It contains a sewing machine. Had it at home for 
awhile, I reckon it's finally time to learn how to use it! It's time to step 
out of my comfort zone! (on another note, sometimes, 'comfort zones' 
can even NOT be comfy at all - some get used to being unhappy, so 
used to reacting negatively, that THAT actually becomes their comfort
 zone. So yes, it's different for everyone.) I know I limit myself for fear
of looking bad, which is rather horrible I must say. Time for change!

Some motivational images I found this week.

I don't think I accomplished much this week. Juggling studies part time and work is rather difficult and when you are overambitious like me, it becomes double hard. I truly need to learn moderation. All things in moderation. Till next week. Below is what I've managed to do. Hoping to make it look better soon. Oh yes, I don't think I lost much weight, but I feel great! I think that counts the most.


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