
Physically (at the moment), I feel rather horrible. Lethargic, don't have enough sleep and I have a slight pain in my back. This week's target is stated below. Last night, as usual, I ate when I couldn't sleep well. Today morning, I'm going to try out the Surya Yoga Kick Start 3 day diet. It's really just to help me sort of 'detox from unhealthy food'. 

Looking at the menu, the diet doesn't seem like too drastic of a change vs a juice fast for example. This of course, is just my personal experiment. A task not given to me by the trainers (Jo and Zyen). The breakfast menu includes oranges, peanut butter and toast bread in a specific amount. I'm excited but scared at the same time. I really just worry about tonight when I might not be able to sleep again, then I'd search for food. 

Oh, I forgot to mention I bundled up all the unhealthy food I had at home and gave it away. I only left behind the Kick Start food at home. Part of the menu, believe or not, is vanilla ice cream. Below is a little diary of sorts. I'll try keep it short and sweet (which reminds me, sugar intake - something I need to cut down too).

Day 1 - Monday (29/4/2013) *Kick Start diet day 1
It's 10.30pm now, I tried to sleep. Just can't. Day 1 was pretty okay considering I'm on this 'detox unhealthy food' project. Surprisingly I'm pretty full of energy and don't feel lethargic. I hope day 2 will be fine. I understand that it would be the hardest day of all. Below are some stuff I collected throughout the day. My yoga makeover journey begins.

Kick Start diet groceries I bought on Sunday
Some items are substitutes because I couldn't find the 
the real ones. I bought enough for 2-3 Kick Start diet sessions. 

 The receipt, bought the items from Tesco, Paradigm

Gave my 'danger' late night eating food away

I weigh 86.5kg
Fat % - 32.8%
Water % - 47.7%
(I find the 'overweight' icon at the left hand side rather funny!)

I consume 1652 Kcal a day
Muscle % - 65.2%
BMI - 2.9

What I had for dinner today
Chicken, long beans, half a banana and an apple
(It's in plastic bags and tupperwares because I brought my dinner to work)

Surya Yoga member card
26 classes to complete in 3 months
I hope to go for more than 26 classes though
Let's just see if I can reach the minimum of 
26 classes for this mindful makeover

Day 2 -Tuesday (30/4/2013) *Kick Start diet day 2
I didn't follow the menu plan well enough today. I didn't follow the precise measurements of the food. I sorta of just ate as much as I wanted ESPECIALLY when I woke up in middle of the night. This is not good. At the moment, I lack the discipline to really follow things precisely. I have this horrible way of thinking that if I don't eat in bulk, I won't be full and for some reason, if I don't have that absolutely 'filled up' feeling, I don't feel satisfied. I need to learn that the feeling of slight hunger is not a bad thing. I need to get used to it. 

Day 2 was tough. It really was. I knew this was not going to be easy. Lots of discipline required. I need to build it up. Exercise? I did some laps in the pool on Monday morning and I have done the required 20 minutes of home yoga practice on my own yesterday and today.

What I had for lunch
(surprisingly enough to help me go through the day)

What I had for dinner
(unfortunately, I couldn't handle the small 
portions and just ate as much as I wanted. 
I tend to self sabotage unfortunately.)

On a funny note, Jo pointed out to me that baby carrots are not entirely nutritious compared to the normal ones we buy. Check out this article I found about it. In short, baby carrots are similar to hotdogs in terms of meat. Baby carrots are made from leftover 'carrot waste'. 

What's this? I plan to do a super juice diet or should 
I say a 7 day detox program on my own starting next 
Monday as next week's personal experiment. So I bought the 
ingredients for the super juices I have to make next week.
Part of the ingredients are these two items on top.

Organic Ashitaba
Read a blog post I found on Ashitaba.
Read as well about its medicinal properties here.
The kind lady at the Newlife Organic shop 
mentioned that it was high in anti-oxidants.
RM 69.00

Also part of the super juice ingredients.
RM 47.90

Newlife Organic shopping trip receipt

Newlife Organic store at Aman Suria is just a short 
walk down from Surya Yoga studio. 
(Newlife Organic : D-1-31, Jalan PJU 1/45, 
Aman Suria, Contact: 03-78047705)
Trainer Jo is standing the counter in the picture, 
she bought quite a number of things from the store.
Couldn't remember all the stuff, except for Flax seed oil.

Day 3 - Wednesday (1/5/2013) *Kick Start diet final day
I feel rather great today. I slept well last night. The menu for the final day of the diet involves smaller food portions. Been able to stick to it. Since it's Labor day today, I went out with my relatives. They brought me to Paradigm. Did some shopping then went to Burger King for lunch. I stuck to my diet (sort of) thankfully. I skipped the Whopper Jrs' and only had milo (which is not in the diet plan, oh well). Tomorrow i'll weigh myself and see if I lost weight. But overall, I feel great! Detoxed from bad food. Hope to follow this kick start diet 1-2 times a month. It isn't meant to be a daily diet according to the instructions. Oh,  unfortunately, didn't do the planned 20 minutes of home yoga practice today. Sighs.

Sipping on my milo while everyone else is munching down
whoppers. Surprisingly I had the willpower to stick to 
the kick start diet.

Day 4 - Thursday (2/5/2013)
I weighed myself, I went down about 0.5kg. I do want to lose a lot of weight, but this mindful makeover, is well mostly about changing my mind. How I think. Despite the fact that I didn't lose much, I'm still pretty happy because I KNOW for a fact that I didn't follow the diet perfectly, in fact, I cheated an awful lot, especially at night. Discipline is something I need to build up. Self discipline. 

Day 4, perhaps this makeover is not starting out well, but I sure hope it ends well (smiles). Plan to repeat this kick start diet again at least another 2 times in this makeover. We shall see how things pan out then. Did my 20 minutes of yoga at home today. I manage to balance like a nano second off the floor in headstand. Pretty happy! I'll probably take a quick video of myself in these few weeks of my headstand balance progress.

I ate half of my Rice salad at the Juice and Salad Bar,
and then packed the other half to eat later.
The idea worked. Because I spread dinner out and ate
2 small portions at different times, I didn't eat as much
in the middle of the night.

I updated the Juice and Salad Bar menu (I work weekday 
nights at Surya Yoga). Added a little advert on our 
new prepaid concept for juice - Juice Cash Card.

Did a little reading on how to do headstand.

Common mistakes people make while attempting headstand.

Reading up on how to fall back into wheel pose.
I reckon that reading up on theory would help.

Rather interesting book I must say.
The studio wasn't as busy today so I had some time
to read. I even practiced my wheel pose and
headstand just in front of the counter when
nobody was around - when all students were 
attending class.

Day 5 - Friday (3/5/2013)
Something weird happen today. Made my milo as usual, added ice as usual, took a sip.... and I had this overwhelming feeling of wanting to throw up. I'm not kidding. I don't kid around when it comes to milo (giggles). So yes, I threw the drink into the sink and ate some oranges instead and drank plain water. Victory. Small victory for me. Who would know I'd choose oranges and plain water over milo. 

I swam this morning, then lazed about at home (I don't work Fridays) and then did my 20 minutes of yoga (I think I might have done more than 20 minutes). I decided to take pictures of my 'nano second' headstand balance. Not even full complete headstand. It's the 'lifting off the floor' part. There are several methods I think, but I saw Regine lifting off this particular way. Prepare for headstand, then walk your toes to the sides, then lift off from the side. Happy I managed that 'nano second'. Better than what I could ever do before (happy sighs). Photos below show my nano second lift off, then (without much grace) falling down.
Day 6 - Saturday (4/5/2013)
Went for my first yoga class for this mindful makeover. I attended Foo's beginner 9.30am Saturday class. It was a humbling experience. I knew that I didn't have much strength in terms of yoga, but I guess going through Foo's class only reaffirmed things further. I will use this as motivation to get better. 

Odd though, when it comes to preparatory poses, I'm rather lousy and weak but when it comes to the final pose, I can do it without the same amount of struggle. Jo mentioned that this is because I am using my flexibility almost 99% to achieve final poses and not using much strength. Today we did back bends. Enjoyed Foo's class immensely! Any 'suffering' experienced is oddly uplifting. It's the 'Whoah, I feel good!'. It's a good kind of physical pain. The pain you feel when you know you are heading somewhere, and somewhere great (smiles).

Basically, it's nice and cool that I can do a few final poses, but in the long run, without the strength to balance out my flexibility, I can hurt myself. I don't think I'm vvverrrrryyyy flexible of course (in my opinion), this was just what Jo has to say and advised me to work on my strength and focus more on basic poses, then build it up slowly (instead of hopping straight to the final poses). Just occurred to me, that in some way, no point looking good on the outside, when on the inside, I'm rather in shambles (in terms of yoga I mean). I shall work on basic poses. That will improve the final poses significantly.

Me and Foo, I'm pretty sweaty! 
(in Malay terms, I would call myself Si Gemuk, and Foo, Si Gempak)
(in English, 'not so little' Miss Fatty and Mr Fantastic!)
by the way, I think Foo is super cute! 

Jo helped me get some wheat grass powder for the 7 day detox 
experiment I'll be doing next week. Been sticking to healthy 
food lately. I must say, I don't really feel as sluggish as before. I can
still improve on things though definitely!

Ordered a Thai Chicken Crunch salad to-go for 
lunch from the Juice and Salad Bar at Surya Yoga

Took some photos of Jo and Jon-Jon (Jonathan) 
today for the new signboard and bunting for Surya Yoga

Day 7 - Sunday (5/5/2013)
End of week 1. I did 20 min or so of home yoga practice. I realize that I can do a split better, but can't hold it for very long. I am rather nervous about tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to do another experiment. I will be at tempting a 7 day detox, or probably better known as a juice fast. I have bought tons of fruits and will be cutting them up into the right amount/pieces in a bit. I found this book by Jason Vale called 7lbs in 7 days Super Juice Diet at the Surya Yoga studio mini library. 

No doubt the 7lbs part of it drew my attention, but after a week of relatively eating healthier and in smaller portions (but spread out throughout the day), I realize that I ACTUALLY feel better. I'm not 100% fully energized, I would say however that there is a margin of improvement. A margin is fine by me. It takes baby steps for any changes. 

At the moment, I might still be playing a tug of war with the weighing scale I have at home, but something tells me, by the end of this mindful makeover project. What shows on the weighing scale probably won't matter to me anymore. A number can't dictate how I feel about myself. 

Found this little photo on the net, it spoke to me. 
Indeed. I have to do this for ME. 

Week 1 progress, let's see how I do for week 2
Keep reading guys!



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